Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where is the church?
  2. What makes your church unique?
  3. What does FUMC Alabaster believe?
  4. Is everybody welcome?
  5. When do you worship?
  6. What will the service be like?
  7. Do I have to be a member of FUMC to take communion?
  8. Where do I park?
  9. Where do my children go during a worship service?
  10. Do you have Sunday School?
  11. How do I get involved at FUMC?
  12. How do I become a member of FUMC?
  13. What about Baptism?

1. Where is the church?

First United Methodist Church in Alabaster is located at 10903 Highway 119 across from Advance Auto and Burger King. You can find a link here: DIRECTIONS.

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2. What makes your church unique?

Our congregation is unique for several reasons: (1) We have experienced over 50% increase in attendance and involvement over the last few years. This presents many exciting challenges and provides a dynamic atmosphere of growth and change for anyone who is looking for a church beyond the usual. (2) Our worship services reflect a very diverse age group in attendance. Many senior members attend the contemporary worship service and many younger families attend the more traditional service and vice versa. (3) Three of our four worship services are media driven so that whether we are singing the newest tune or reciting The Apostles’ Creed, the worship experience is completely user friendly.

While these are just a few of the elements that makes our church unique, you will be able to find many more and we encourage you to attend several worship events before deciding which one is right for you or your family.

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3. What does FUMC Alabaster believe?

At First United Methodist Church we do not mandate that everyone agree on every point, however there are certain beliefs that serve to unite us as a congregation:

We believe that we are called to worship the Triune God: God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

We believe that the Holy Scriptures found in the Bible are the primary foundation of our faith and our action.

We believe in the basic tenets of our faith expressed in both the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed.

We believe every Christian is called into an intimate relationship with God, faithful relationships with other Christians, and Christ-like service to the world.

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4. Is everybody welcome?

Everyone is welcome at First UMC, Alabaster! You can be searching for a church home or just searching for meaning in your life. So, wherever you are in your journey, come join us in worship, in a class, in a meal or in reaching out to others.

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5. When do you worship?

8:30 and 10:00 AM at Restore – Contemporary Worship

9:00 in the Sanctuary – Service of Word, Table, and Prayers for Healing

11:00 in the Sanctuary – Traditional Service

SEE QUESTION #6 for more information on our worship services.

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6. What will the service be like?

In the Contemporary Services, at 8:30 and 10:00 AM, you will find all ages, from the very young to the not so young. In this service the worship leader and praise band lead the congregation through music, prayer, drama, and much more. In this service you will find the widest range of clothing choices: from shorts to suits.

In the Traditional Service, at 11:00 AM, you will find a mixture of ages. There will be a choral call to worship, passing of the peace, the recitation of the Apostles Creed, Choirs, children’s time, and you will have the opportunity to give to God your tithes and offerings. The clergy, choir, acolytes and musicians wear the traditional robes during this service. For this service most of the congregation tends to wear more “Sunday Clothes”, but any style of clothing is welcome.

The Service of Word, Table, and Prayers for Healing, at 9:00 AM, is our most traditional service. The main differences between this service and the 11:00 Traditional service are scaled-back technology (nothing projected on the wall), communion, and an opportunity to remain at the alter for healing prayers. Presently, there is not a children’s moment or full choir. The service usually ends around 9:45, in time for Sunday School.

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7. Do I have to be a member of FUMC to take communion?

In the United Methodist Church we believe that the Table of Holy Communion is open to anyone and everyone who wants to receive. The invitation we give says, “Christ, our Lord, invites to His table all who love Him, who earnestly repent of their sins, and seek to live in peace with one another.” So, every time the table is set – you are welcome to come and receive.

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8. Where do I park?

There is limited parking available in front of the original church building, with ample parking in the rear of the facility, and the entire parking lot in front of Restore is available. Each adjoining parking lot has walkways to and from the two church facilities for your convenience.

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9. Where do my children go during a worship service?

All children who are not nursery age, begin with their parents or guardian in the adult worship service. At the appropriate time, the children will be invited to the chancel steps for a “Children’s Moment” – a worship reflection designed just for them. Following the Children’s Moment, they will be dismissed to go to Children’s Church. Each child will be properly cared for by our professional staff of children’s ministers until the service is concluded. At which time, you are invited to pick your children up in our Children’s Center. The Children’s Center may be found by following the signs along the hallway adjacent to the sanctuary.

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10. Do you have Sunday School?

Sunday school is a great place to connect with people at First United Methodist in Alabaster. However, the main purpose of Sunday school is to study various topics from a Christian perspective and/or the Bible. What are you interested in learning more about? What are you passionate about or where do you feel God calling you to dig in deeper? If you would like to learn more about the various classes offered, check out the Adult Sunday School page.

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11. How do I get involved at FUMC?

There are many ways to become active in the life of First United Methodist Church. On this website you can look at the calendar of events and if you see something that interests you, then please contact one of the staff and we would be happy to discuss the event with you. Every year, the leaders of the church coordinate the “Resolve to Get Involved” event that gives folks a chance to plug in to the various ministries of the church. Whatever your gifts may be, we can use them for a greater purpose at Alabaster First!

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12. How do I become a member of FUMC?

We hope that you will consider becoming a member of the First United Methodist Church of Alabaster. We believe that your life and the life of our church will be richer if you do. Membership in a church really is about discipleship. Because of that, at First UMC, we want to help all of our members and prospective members become followers of Christ, which we call discipleship.

When you join a United Methodist Church you will be asked, “Will you be loyal to The United Methodist Church, and uphold it by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, and your service?


Our commitment to uphold the Church through prayer is based upon the fundamental reality that we need God’s guidance in order to be the church. That is why we pray for our pastors, for our teachers, for one another, and for those who may never even enter our doors.


Our commitment to uphold the Church by our presence is a visible witness of our faith, both in the church and in the world. Our relationship to Christ is nurtured by our presence in worship where we find spiritual guidance, comfort and strength. We also uphold the Church by our presence at home, at work, at school, and in the community. Wherever we are, our presence should be an expression of our commitment to Christ.


Our commitment to uphold the Church by our gifts is a thankful response from the heart for all God has given us. The giving of our money also helps to establish and maintain ministries that no individual or single congregation could fund alone. These worthy causes include youth and children’s ministries, hospitals, colleges, rehabilitation centers, food and clothing distribution, evangelistic and educational work, and emergency relief.


Our commitment to be loyal to the Church and uphold it by our service further reflects our commitment to follow the example of Christ, who came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a sacrifice for many (Matthew 20:28). God has entrusted all of us with certain talents and abilities, and sharing these gifts is a means of sharing ourselves out of love and gratitude toward God and love for one another.

There are several ways you can join the church:


The United Methodist Church recognizes baptisms of other Christian traditions. We believe that Baptism is a one time occurance. It is typically done in one of the worship services because the congregation plays a critical role in the life of the person being baptized.

If you have not been baptized, in order to join the church, you will be baptized and make a public profession of faith. By “profession of faith” we simply mean that you will answer “yes” to questions about faith in Christ and your intention to lead a Christian life.


We recognize your baptism and profession of faith from your previous church. We believe that your coming to join First UMC is a statement of renewal of your faith in Jesus Christ. We will ask you to be loyal to the United Methodist Church and uphold it by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, and your service.


We are happy to receive you by transfer from another United Methodist Church. We will only ask if you will be loyal to this congregation of the United Methodist Church.

So, if you have decided to join First UMC, you can contact one of the ministers you can indicate your desire to join on the attendance registration pad (one of the ministers will then contact you).

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13. What about Baptism?

The United Methodist Church recognizes baptisms of other Christian traditions. We believe that Baptism is a one time event. It is typically done in one of the worship services because the congregation plays a critical role in the life of the person being baptized.

If you have not been baptized, in order to join the church, you will be baptized and make a public profession of faith. By “profession of faith” we simply mean that you will answer “yes” to questions about faith in Christ and your intention to lead a Christian life.

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