Small Groups

We believe small groups are an important part of a person's faith.  Here are the opportunities at Alabaster FUMC in the fall of 2022.

  • Acting Like Disciples: A Study of the book of Acts

    The Book of Acts is the continuing story of the church following Jesus' time on earth. Walking in the way of Jesus after his crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension has been the reality for disciples for over 2000 years. How did the church come together? What were the challenges for those that walked with Jesus and those that later came to join the movement? What are our challenges today, and how does lessons from the acts of the apostles yesterday help us be the church and act like disciples today?  Led by Pastor Arthur on Wednesday Nights at 6 in the sanctuary

  • Companions in Christ

    Companions in Christ is a 28 week study for church people who want to explore afresh the basic disciplines of faith and the pathways of lifelong growth in Christ. The study involves individual reading and daily exercises found in the Participant's Book as well as the weekly group meeting. Participant Books can be purchased at Sanctuary book store for around $16. The study begins with a preparatory meeting on Sunday, September 11th at 5 p.m. in the Small Dining Room. Contact Pastor Terri ( to sign up or ask for more information.

  • GRITS Women's Group

    GRITS is a women's group made up of all ages. We meet on Wednesday nights at 6pm in the Parlor.  We are a group who laugh together, cry together, and learn through authentic discussion.  If you are interested in joining contact Liz Walker.

  • Joy Group

    The "Just Older Youth" group currently meets weekly on Wednesdays at 5:45 p.m. in the church's small dining room. Interested adults are invited to participate and will be welcomed to the study. For more information you may contact Michael Russell

  • Men Of the Word

    Men of the Word is a men's group with men from high school graduates to retired adults. We read, study, and discuss books of the Bible and other faith-base books. The group leans on each other, while building relationships in Christ. We also focus on discipleship and service. Men of the Word meets Wednesday nights at 6pm in the Restore. Contact Russell Vlack( for more information.

  • Color of Compromise

    This group will be looking at the Book The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby. This book takes readers back to the root of sustained racism and injustice in the American church.  Filled with powerful stories and examples of American Christianity's racial past, Tisby's historical narrative highlights the obvious ways people faith have actively worked against racial justice, as well as the complicit silence of racial moderates.  Identifying the cultural and institutional tables that must be flipped to bring about progress, Tisby provides an in-depth diagnosis for a racially divided American church and suggests ways to foster a more equitable and inclusive environment among God's people.  We will start this group August 24th.  You will need to get the book and the study guide.

  • Woven Threads

    Woven Threads Women’s Bible Study Group will begin their fall study on Wednesday, September 14. We will be studying Be Rich: Gaining the things Money can'y Buy by Warren W. Wiersbe. Woven Threads will meets Wednesday mornings from 10:00 to noon in the Café area of Restore. Contact Linda Miller for more information.