Sunday school Classes

Sunday School is a time to spend learning God's word together as we also look at ways to take His lessons into the community and beyond while supporting and encouraging each other. We have classes for all ages and stageSunday School begins at 9:45 am. 

  • Higher Ground (Room 207)

    Higher Ground is a discussion based class that has members of all ages. We will work through a certain book of the Bible, do a study on a certain topic or use a bible study by one of our favorite authors. We take what we learn into the community doing service work and enjoying getting together outside of church as well. 


    Open Door is a class that focuses on different books of the Bible as well as historical events during Biblical times. We would love for you to join us and share your knowledge or learn with us. 

  • SALT AND LIGHT (room 116-A)

    The Salt and Light Class is a discussion based class that focus on different books of the Bible, topics and learning more about the Bible. We have adults of all ages and in all stages of life and would love for you to join us. 

  • Sowers of Seeds (Room 206)

    The Sowers of Seeds class is a diverse  class that also does hands on mission work.  We are always welcoming new members with a heart for service. 

  • The Gleason's Sunday School Class (fellowship hall Room 116-B) 

    The Gleason Class, named after long time members, Fred and Mary Gleason, is lead by a rotating group of teachers. We have members of all ages. 


    The Pathfinders Class is a class for couples and individuals and couples who are empty-nesters and recently retired folks. Come join this class and journey into the next phase of life with us.